Flatweaves & Durries in NEW Joti Black & White styles
Our new Jot's are bold, bright and fun! Now they come in a variety of different performance fibers. Check out the new Outdoor Joti Goti Jr's...a new favorite!
Joti Boo Stripe in Black White Grey
Joti Goti Grande in Heather Grey
Joti Goti Jr. in Black White & Beige
Joti Goti Jr. in Outdoor Burnt Cherry
Joti Goti Jr. in Outdoor Ivory Soap
Joti Goti Jr. in Outdoor Poppy Green
Joti by Goti in Heather Grey
Joti Pinstripe in Charcoal & Brown
Joti Stripe in Black & White
Joti Goti Stripe in Heather Grey
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